Grow your brand and support your community.
Indy Marketers was founded with the goal of creating a community that’s accessible and inclusive. To accomplish this, we need the help of sponsors – ensuring that we can keep our events affordable.
As a certified 501(c)3, we accept both monetary and in-kind donations. Email for formal sponsorship offerings. Here are some examples:
Sponsor an event. Sponsorship packages range from $500-$2,000 to help us successfully pull together engaging events. Sponsors will be highlighted leading up to, during, and after the event throughout social media, email, our website, and event programming.
Sponsor our podcast. Be our exclusive podcast sponsor for an entire year! We’ll mention your brand in every episode as we highlight Indy marketers.
Share your space with us! The biggest need for Indy Marketers is finding a space that can accommodate an event that will include both a learning and a networking component for anywhere from 50 to 120 people. Ideally, the space will have accessible parking, ample seating, and be available after work hours — as our events are usually hosted in the evenings on weekdays.
Provide refreshments. Offer in-kind donations through providing light snacks and beverages to help complete the event.
Not only will you be supporting your community, you’ll be exposing your brand to a growing community of highly-engaged marketers across Indianapolis. We’ll promote you across our social channels and throughout the event as well.
Email us at for more information on how you can help.
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© 2024 Indy Marketers